Hylakes Dairy Goats
Raising ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats since 2020
Here at Hylakes we breed and sell ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf goats. Our goal is to breed animals that excel in both the milk pail and the show ring. We are an ADGA Plus herd and began our venture into milk testing this year in 2023! We are also an active show herd and have signed up for appraisal (this year, 2023) and hope to learn even more about all of our animals and their strengths and weaknesses.

Sonview Ranch Nakita at REDGA
Our Pride and Joy

CH Cool Springs TC Rowan *B EVV 88
Late last year (2022) we were granted the opportunity to add this amazing buck to our buck pen. Rowan is already a proven sire with multiple solid daughters with stunning mammaries. We are extremely excited to use him across our doe herd this year (2023-2024) and see how he can help us to improve!